Hemp’s Cannabinoid Acids Show Potential in Blocking Coronavirus Cell Entry

Researchers have used a chemical screening method to identify compounds found in hemp that can inhibit COVID-19 virus from infiltrating human cells. Hemp (Cannabis sativa) serves as an animal feed source, food source and fiber resource; furthermore its extracts are added to foods, nutritional supplements, body lotions and cosmetics as an additive or source.

Researchers recently identified 2 cannabinoid acids which bind to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and block an important step in its process for infecting humans. These two acids include cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) and cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), both commonly employed drug targets used by antibody therapies and COVID-19 vaccines; their disruption could help impede infection or progression of disease processes.

Two cannabinoid acids found in hemp and its extracts are widely distributed without being controlled as substances such as THC, marijuana’s psychoactive component. Their presence provides a good safety profile in humans; in a study published here it was demonstrated that hemp compounds were effective against SARS-CoV-2 variants such as those first discovered in South Africa: B1.351 Beta (Beta), while also protecting against B1.1.7 Alpha variants from UK.

SARS-CoV-2 can be identified by its distinctive crown-shaped protrusions on its outer surface, featuring protrusions containing protrusions bearing RNA strands encoding four primary structural proteins and sixteen nonstructural proteins as well as “accessory” proteins.

Every stage of infection and replication represents a potential target for antiviral intervention, and one key aspect is when spike proteins bind with human cell surface ACE2 receptors to form their binding cycle. Cell entry inhibitors such as hemp acids can be utilized for both preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection as well as shortening duration by protecting human cells from being infected by virus particles; hemp acids bind tightly to spike proteins to keep them from binding with abundant amounts of ACE2 enzyme found on lung endothelial cells as well as other organs; in doing this way they help shorten duration as well.

Mass spectrometry screening methods were utilized to isolate the two cannabinoid acids identified. Subsequent laboratory tests demonstrated that cannabidiolic and cannabigerolic acids prevented coronavirus spike proteins from invading human epithelial cells as well as SARS-CoV-2 from entering cells.

These compounds can be safely taken orally by humans and have the potential of both preventing and treating SARS-CoV-2 infections. CBGA and CBDA found in hemp plants serve as precursors to CBG and CBD which many will recognize, though the latter does not occur naturally in hemp products.

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