Enhancing Cognitive Health: The Potential Benefits of Daily Multivitamin Use

According to a new study, taking multivitamin supplements daily could be effective at improving cognition in older individuals; however, more research must be completed in order to verify these results and issue health recommendations accordingly. Furthermore, cocoa extract supplements do not appear to contribute positively towards cognition improvement.

The study investigated whether taking a daily mineral/multivitamin supplement, cocoa extract supplementation or both has any impact on cancer, stroke, heart disease and other serious health concerns.

Researchers asserted that cocoa extract contains flavanols, and studies suggest these could have positive impacts on cognition. Furthermore, several minerals and micronutrients are vital in supporting normal brain and body functions; lacking them could increase cognitive decline and dementia risk among older individuals.

Researchers investigated whether cognition improved among older individuals given daily cocoa extract supplements versus placebo and mineral/multivitamin supplements versus placebo for 3 years, with over 2,200 65-year-old participants participating and taking tests every year over the phone to evaluate memory and other cognitive abilities.

The study revealed that cocoa extract did not impact cognition significantly; however, taking daily mineral/multivitamin supplements resulted in statistically significant improvements to cognitive health.

Studies estimated that taking multivitamin supplements over three years resulted in cognitive decline slowing by about 60% – equivalent to approximately 1.8 years. Individuals with cardiovascular disease experienced more dramatic improvements – this finding being significant given that those already have increased cognitive impairment and decline risks.

Researchers note that daily multivitamin supplement recommendations cannot yet help combat cognitive decline. Although initial results appear promising, additional studies must be performed with larger and diverse samples of individuals to confirm this claim.

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