The Advantages of Restorative Yoga

Yoga is truly extraordinary: an extraordinary personal development art with an incomparably powerful science at its heart. Dating back over 5000 years and born out of ancient India by individuals known as Siddhis who studied the body holistically. These alchemists and surgeons systematized asanas, pranayama and meditation to keep a practitioner healthy while increasing longevity with disciplined practices incorporating healthy lifestyle practices.

As part of its popularity, “restorative yoga” requires an understanding of chakras – energy centers found along the spine from sacrum to crown – in which our life force (food, water and air) enters through. There are seven chakras (root, belly, solar plexus, heart throat forehead and crown; more accurately known by their ancient names of Muladhara Swadhishtana Manipurna Anahata Vishuddha Ajna Sahasrara). If there is inefficient energy flow then anxiety, insomnia or digestive issues could occur as result – creating imbalance in both body and mind which in turn contribute to imbalanced bodies as a result causing psychological issues and body/mind problems which manifest themselves physically.

Restorative yoga restores equilibrium within our bodies for vitality. The practice tends to be slower than power yoga or other exercise-focused forms of yoga; with an emphasis on deep, full trunk breathing, deep stretching and relaxation. There may also be elements of mindfulness meditation within this form.

Before delving deeper, let’s quickly discuss what chakras are before exploring yoga poses that could aid body restoration and rejuvenation.

This “root chakra,” located at the bottommost position of our spines, is responsible for driving us to crave certain foods or engage in other actions such as sleeping. Furthermore, it helps regulate emotions like anxiety and fear.

This sacred center can be found just above the genitals, in the pubic area a few inches below the belly button. It serves to regulate an individual’s sexual energy and create feelings of intimacy when necessary, controlling organs in the pelvic region as well as urinary system functions as well as areas below hip including itself.


This chakra is highly responsive to vibrations from its environment (be they from people or places), as it controls many internal organs including pancreas, liver, gall bladder, lungs, digestive system and circulatory system.

This chakra represents the “heart”, controlling heartbeats and the thymus gland, as well as having an effect on immunity. Furthermore, this chakra also regulates strong and complex emotions found within individuals.

This chakra represents the intellect body, acting as an intermediary between mental and physical bodies and having an effect on hearing and thinking skills as well as metabolism.


This is commonly known as the third eye chakra, and regulates various essential bodily glands including pituitary and sebaceous. Additionally, this chakra controls both brain function and nervous system functionality.


This is the ‘crown’ chakra, responsible for self-realization and cosmic consciousness.


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